Thank you for your generosity.

We’ve always been a generous church, and with God’s blessing, and your help, we will continue to do so.

Give now with Overflow.

Quick, simple, and secure. Give using debit/credit cards, your bank account, stocks, or cypto.

For donors with recurring gifts, your action will be needed in order to transition your giving.

Please follow these steps to ensure your generosity is uninterrupted:

1. Watch for a personalized link from the Overflow Team that has your recurring giving details pre-loaded.

2. Follow the link to add your payment method details and re-initiate your recurring gift. No need to create a new profile or submit a new donation.

3. Cancel your recurring gift in PushPay. That’s it! You’re all set!

Any questions? Reach out to

Thank you for joining us in this exciting transition to Overflow. We’re eager to see how God will continue to work through The House LA.

Our mission as a church is to help you connect with God, grow in community, discover your purpose and make a difference. We will invest our lives and finances into this same mission.

An overview of our budgetary process:

  • Each annual budget is created by our board of trustees with input from our finance department and ministry department heads.

  • The church administrator approves all church expenses and reimbursement requests. 

  • Unrelated parties count and deposit all church funds. 

  • The finance department provides regular reporting to trustees.

  • Any compensation to the lead pastor is determined by a compensation committee and approved by the trustees. 

  • Starting for fiscal year 2022, an annual review or audit is conducted by an outside accounting group for the trustees to review. 

Financial goal for spending: